Welcome to Trezor.io/start
Your journey towards ultimate crypto security begins here. At Trezor.io/start, we provide step-by-step guidance to ensure that your Trezor wallet is set up correctly and securely.
Start by connecting your Trezor device to your computer and navigating to Trezor.io/start. Follow the on-screen instructions to initialize your wallet. Remember, keeping your recovery seed safe is crucial. For more tips and security advice, visit Trezor Learn.
Why Choose Trezor?
Trezor devices offer unmatched security features. From advanced encryption to secure passphrases, Trezor.io/start covers everything you need to protect your assets.
Setting Up Your Trezor Wallet
Start by visiting Trezor.io/start. Connect your Trezor, follow the prompts, and secure your wallet with a strong PIN. For advanced users, we recommend enabling the passphrase feature for added security.